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Friday, January 1, 2010

My little Graduate- May 09'

This is terrible and horrible but I never put up pictures of my hubby from his graduation in May in Architecture...!!! I did take pictures with my husbands camera but his technology and mine don't mix well so I have pictures that his cousin took with his good camera too...(thanks to him)! Congrats again to my schweetie and I am proud of him and his hard work!!! (All we now have to do is still find a stinkin' job, but it will soon come around)!!!!

1 comment:

Bonnie-Jean said...

If you run out of employment options, you might want to consider letting him become an Army officer, it's really blessed our lives. I understand if you don't want to too. Happy New Year and belated congrats on his graduation! :)
Bonnie-Jean, Andy, AJ and ? Schmidt