I do not know about any of you guys, but for me, I loovvee to cook....when I can. I love trying out some new recipes that we have never had...like I said when I have the time...because having the same old gets reallly old for me. Here is the only problem...I have cookbooks. Some of those cookbooks contain no pictures for recipes ( I am a visual type of gal)...I can't cook a recipe that doesn't contain a picture. End of story, I don't know why. I try to read the recipe but I just start getting irritated at the person whoever wrote the recipe thinking, "why don't they have a flippin pic??" So then I keep paging through until I find a picture with a delicious recipe. Ridiculous? I think so, but that is just how I am !
So going back about 2 Christmases ago, my amazing hubby's grandma, who we call Gigi, gave us this really awesome cookbook with tons and tons of recipes. I was real excited to use it but i was hoping there would be tons of pics for me to count on! I opened it and wahla! No joke, E.V.E.R.Y. recipe had a PICTURE!! So I try cooking with this one a lot- If you don't have it, get it. There are some real cultural so to say recipes that some people make be all grossed out on, but i love those kinds! So here is my cookbook.my bible.
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